
New tokens launch every day on BSC, and most investors don’t have a reliable option to determine which are secure and which can be exploited or rugged. SkyLockr will solve this problem with our launchpad. Anyone will be able to launch safer RFI tokens via the launchpad.(The launchpad will later expand to encompass other project/token types.)

Novice or experienced project owners will be able to select contract parameters based off of audited code, and contract interactions will be handled safely through the SkyLockr website.

Primary use cases for prospective project owners

1  Project owners who are unfamiliar with Solidity can safely launch projects without worrying about directly interacting/modifying/forking code.

2  Novice and experienced project owners will benefit from the marketing boost provided by SkyLockr

Primary use cases for investors

1  Investors will be able to browse new projects and easily understand their safety features.

2  Investors will be alerted to potential issues in real time, as soon as project owners behave in an

unsafe manner.

Launch Flow

Project owners can launch a token by following a series of steps. Each step will contain options with explanations + links to a more detailed knowledge base. The knowledge base will have video explanations for each of the options.


What kind of project are you launching?

RFI token

Also known as static rewards token,this type of project has the following features:

More options soon

We’re putting the pieces together to bring you more options.

Step 2

Basic info

Token Name (e.g.SkyLockr)

This is what your project will be called.

Token Symbol

This is the symbol that will show up when investors are buying/selling your token

Total Supply(e.g.1,000,000,000)

This number will be the total number of tokens that can ever exist.

Developer Supply: 500000000

Of the total number of tokens,this is the amount  reserved for the dev wallet.

Burned Supply: 100000000

Some projects like to burn tokens before or just after launch for marketing purposes.

Token Image

Upload a 200×200 transparent png file

Step 3

Contract Details

Reflection Fee

This is the fee charged & reflected back to existing holders for every buy/sell/transfer transaction

Liquidity Fee

This is the fee charged to add your token’s liquidity for every buy/sell/transfer transaction

Max Fee

Combined,the reflection and liquidity fees cannot ever exceed this number.

Whitelisted Addresses(comma-separated)

These addresses will not be subject to transaction fees

Excluded from Rewards(comma-separated)

Any address here will not receive reflection rewards

LP Token Address

This is the address to which the contract sends LP tokens. We recommend sending the LP tokens to a dead address, but we also offer timelocked options.

Liquidity Swap Threshold

This determines how many tokens accumulate before the contract automatically adds liquidity to the

liquidity pool

Max. transaction Amount

This is the most any single wallet can transfer within a single transaction

Step 4

Add-on Options

Bot Protection

We offer several options for bot protection. Please select one or more, if you’d like to protect your project from bot


  • Maximum buying amount
  • Other Options

Timelock Options

We offer two options to timelock your contract. The first is integrating timelocks into key contract functions,and the second is creating a timelocked contract to own the primary contact.


You can choose to remain anonymous, reveal your identity to SkyLockr only, or list your identity publicly. The default option is to stay anonymous.


By selecting one of our audit packages, you wiull receive a custom audit from BSC Gemz, which you can display on your website.

Featured Listing

By default, your project will be listed among all the other launchpad projects. But we also offer the option to create a featured/custom listing on SkyLockr.net.

Dev Wallet Proxy

Select this option if you plan on sending funds from the dev wallet. Yo’ll be able to send funds securely through SkyLockr.net behind a timelock.

Management Tools

After launching a token, project owners will manage the token via SkyLockr.net toolset.The options will vary depending upon which package(s) the owners selected. If they opt to keep their dev wallet, they can distribute funds via a timelock function.


Welcome to your token’s home.Here,you can make adjustments to your token. Note, these adjustments will be reflected

publicly in the activity log.


Reflection Fee(in%):


Thisis the fee charged & reflected back to eisting holders tor every buy/sell/transter transaction


Liquidity Fee(in %):


Thisisthe fee chaged toadd your tokens liquidity for every buy/sel/transfer transaction


Liquidity Swap Threshold:5,000,000

This determines how many tokens accumulate before the contract outomatically adds liquidity to the liquidity pool


Max.transaction amount:100,000,000


Thisis the most any sine/e wallet can transfer within a single transaction


Security recommendations


Adjust swap threshold

Consider increasing your liquidity fee for a healthier LP

Whitelisted Addresses

These addresses will not be subject to transaction feos

Excluded from Rewards

Any address here will not receive rellection rewards

Public Token Page


Users can track a history of key actions taken by the project owner on the token page. They can also sign up to be alerted when a project owner triggers a change behind a timelock,so the investor has a chance to decide what to do before the change takes effect.


Transaction history

Developer wallet sent 12 billion to the following address:

Fee lowered to 4%

The following address has been whitelisted:

Public Token Gallery


Users can browse through existing and new tokens. Glanceable information will include daily stats, chart, and safety information. Users can sort projects by parameters that include: safety feature (such as audit selection), project growth, project age,dev dox status,and more.